It’s likely unnecessary to introduce a dog like the Hachikō. Hachikō became a cultural phenomenon and an icon not only in his own Japan but also across the world, representing devotion and unending love.
In Ōdate, Akita Prefecture, Japan, during the late autumn of 1923, a farm gave birth to the pure-bred, golden-brown Akita.
After a year, a professor named Hidesaburō Ueno adopted Hachikō and brought him to live in Shibuya, Tokyo. Tokyo Imperial University’s Hidesaburō Ueno was a professor in the department of agriculture.
When the man returned from work by train, his devoted dog would be waiting for him. When the clever dog’s day was up, he would leave the house and wait for his master at Shibuya Station.
Then, tragically, Hidesaburō Ueno vanished on May 21, 1925. He had passed away without ever going back to the train station where Hachikō was waiting for him after suffering a brain hemorrhage while giving a lecture.