When Colin and his wife, Alice, end up working for the same company for corporate tyrant Mr. Taylor, they think they’ve gotten a good deal while pursuing their passions. But after a mistake at work, Alice is ridiculed in front of everyone, leading Colin to seek revenge. When the couple loses their jobs, Colin must fight for revenge…
Working as a driver for the owner of a medium-sized company was never a dream, but it paid the bills. If I were to be honest, I’d tell you that what I always wanted to do was own my own construction company, but life often has strange consequences.
The good thing about being a driver was that I got to go to fancy places and work alongside my wife, Alice. We met years ago, long before either of us ended up working at the same place. But when Alice got the job as Mr. Taylor’s personal assistant, she sent him my resume.

“Everything will be fine, Colin,” she told me one night as we made pasta for dinner.

“He needs a personal driver, and you can do that. Neither of us has to stay here forever, but the pay is adequate for now. So until something better comes along for us, we’ll have to make do.”

“I know,” I agreed. “It’s just that it’s so far from my dream that I feel like I’m going to get stuck in this. But that’s okay, I’ll only get stuck if I stop. And I won’t.”

Our boss, Mr. Taylor, was quite the performer. On the surface, he seemed like a typical entrepreneur. You know, the crisp suits, always glued to his phone, and he had a way of talking that made you think he knew something you didn’t.

But the truth was simple: Mr. Taylor was a man who liked to control, and the more he tightened his grip on the company and all its employees, the worse things became for all of us.

Alice had been struggling with his moods for months. Recently, he was preparing for a big business meeting that would invite new investors into the company, publicizing his security empire.

“You’re stressed, Alice,” I said simply when she told me how tense her shoulders were.

“He’s under a lot of pressure, honey,” she said. “Which means I’m under a lot of pressure.”

She tried to shrug, but I could see the toll it was taking on her. Alice was constantly on edge, double-checking everything, afraid of making the slightest mistake.

Then last week came along.

Over the years, Mr. Taylor had grown close to Alice and trusted her completely. So when it came time to negotiate a new contract with a few new contractors, he sent Alice.

“I’ve got you set up, Alice,” he said in a booming voice. “It’s simple, and it’s all in the presentation and the booklets we made for them. All you have to do is show up and see if they have any questions. Then give them a smile and get them to sign. Easy.”

Alice was beaming. I knew she was enjoying the added responsibility and wanted to prove her worth to him. She was tired of being a personal assistant and wanted more.

But when she came home that night, her face was pale.

“The meeting didn’t go well,” she admitted softly. “They all backed out.”

“What? Why?” I asked, feeling the pit of my stomach tighten. I knew there would be fallout. Mr. Taylor was bound to let everyone know how disappointed he was in Alice.

After putting the kettle on, I sat down next to Alice, encouraging her to tell me everything.

“He insisted on some ridiculous terms,” she explained. “I tried to tell him they wouldn’t accept it, but he wouldn’t listen. I mean, Colin, there were clauses up to fifteen million dollars. Like if someone backed out, they had to pay them that amount of money, and it would have been viable once the contract was signed.”

“And let me guess, he blames you?”

She nodded sadly.

I took my wife’s hand and squeezed it tightly.

“It’s not your fault, my love. Mr. Taylor tries to be a calculating man, but he always cuts corners. He should have known better.”

But the next day, as I headed to the office to tell Mr. Taylor that I was taking the car in for a service, things took a different turn.

Mr. Taylor called a meeting, dragging everyone from their desks into the open office area

stood in the back, unsure whether to stay or just drive away. But then I saw my wife, her eyes sunken and her shoulders hunched.

“Everybody!” Mr. Taylor barked. Immediately, the chatter stopped.

“I want you all to look at Alice. Take a good, long look at her.”

Alice shifted uncomfortably, her face turning red.

“This is what failure looks like! No wonder our potential new partners backed out. She looks all hunched over and scary. Like a scarecrow! Alice is a perfect example of what not to look like. Alice is a perfect example of a hiring mistake!”

A few nervous laughs erupted from the crowd, but most people looked away. I could feel the blood boiling beneath my skin. I had never seen it go this far.

Before I could stop myself, I was moving forward, pushing through the crowd.

“Hey, that’s enough!” I shouted.

Mr. Taylor turned, his eyes narrowing.

“Oh, and here comes the knight in shining armor,” he sneered. “Coming to defend your damsel in distress?”

I squared my shoulders, meeting his gaze.

“You’re the failure here. You have no right to talk to Alice like that. It’s not her fault the deal fell through. You’re the one who insisted on those terms!”

“Excuse me?” he barked. “Do you think you know better than me how to run a business? You’re just a driver.”

“Yes, and you’re just a brute,” I retorted.

The office was dead silent, both of us staring back and forth between the two of us.

“You’re fired!” he spat, his face contorted with anger. “Both of you. Get out!”

Alice let out a small gasp, but I took her hand.

“Come on, let’s go,” I said.

We left the office, the door closing behind us with a thud.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I really didn’t want you to lose your job.”

“It’s not your fault,” I reassured her. “We’ll figure it out. We always do.”

But as we drove home, the weight of what had happened began to weigh on me. And I knew I couldn’t let it go. Not this time.

Later that evening, Alice was busy in the kitchen. She was making homemade ravioli, something she only did when she wanted to keep her mind and hands busy.

“Colin, I did the best I could. And now… Now we’re both out of a job because of me.”

I moved closer to her, wrapping my arms around her.

“It’s not over yet,” I said. “I know where he’ll be tonight. He has one more meeting with those partners. It was on my schedule this morning.”

“So you’re going to disrupt his meeting?” she asked, wiping her eyes.

“Trust me, it’ll be fine,” I said, grabbing my keys.

I drove to the hotel where Mr. Taylor’s meeting was taking place, and as I pulled up outside, I spotted his luxury car parked in the parking lot. I started to get overwhelmed and wanted to turn away, but I couldn’t just leave.

As I entered, I headed toward the area of ​​the restaurant where he always had his meetings.

And then I saw him. Mr. Taylor, sitting at a secluded table in the back. But he wasn’t with a business partner. No, he was with a woman.

They were sitting too close together, his hand on her knee, with glasses of wine on the table in front of them. Before I did anything else, I fumbled for my phone, snapping a few quick pictures before slipping out into the lobby.

Then I went to Mr. Taylor; Mrs. Taylor was going to check it out.

“Colin! How nice to see you!” she said as she opened the door.

“Hello, Mrs. Taylor,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm. “I need to show you something.” »

She frowned, but nodded.

I pulled out my phone and handed it to her.

“Is this… is this my husband?” she said incredulously.

“I’m sorry, I thought you should know.”

I quickly told her what had happened at the office and how Alice and I had lost our jobs.

“Don’t worry. Send them to me. I’ll round up the investors and put an end to this whole thing. I’d like to see what he does with no money. Besides, it was my father’s company; there’s a clause in my prenup that says if he’s proven to be unfaithful, the company will go to me in its entirety.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“Give me a week, Colin,” she said. “You and Alice will be reinstated. You’ll both work for me.” Enjoy this week off, and I will see you on the other side. There will be compensation for the constraint my husband has imposed on you

And when you join the company, you’ll get a raise.”

I went home in a frenzy. I couldn’t wait to tell Alice that we were rid of the man who had treated us like garbage. And now there were a whole new set of opportunities available to us.

Who knows, I might even quit my job as a driver and follow my passion again.

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